29. June 2023.

KOER - The First Croatian Virtual Power Plant

KOER | The First Croatian Virtual Power Plant is our new corporate member and a successful example of a technology company specialising in innovative energy solutions. KOER has developed the infrastructure of the first Croatian virtual power plant and has thus also become an aggregator – a new participant in the electricity market that is the link between the electricity market and end consumers. KOER operates a virtual power plant as an aggregator, and end consumers provide part of their electricity generation and consumption capacities. Aggregators as new entities in the electricity market play a very important role under the conditions of rapid decentralisation of the electricity system, the growing share of renewable energy sources in the production mix and the expected increase in consumption and electrification of transport.

We are very pleased that our corporate members include such an innovative technology and energy company, which is important for the success of the energy transition in Croatia.

Welcome and we look forward to working with you!